Ancient Monuments
The Parish does not have any Ancient Monuments. Details of Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Derbyshire can be obtained from Derbyshire County Council.
Quarndon does, however, have its own historic well - the Chalybeate in Church Road just below the Joiners Arms.
Before Matlock and Harrogate became celebrated watering-places, the iron-impregnated water which once flowed from the lion's head pourer at the left hand bottom corner of this crenulated structure attracted spa visitors from far and wide. By the mid-17th century, Quarndon's water was well-known for its "specific in Coughs, Asthma, Consumption & Spitting of Blood". It was also believed to ward off the plague.
During the Commonwealth of 1649-60, Presbyterian sermons were preached from its battlements on Sunday afternoons - often lasting two or three hours! In 1727, it was visited by Daniel Defoe, author of Robinson Crusoe. A series of late-19th and mid-20th century earth tremors stemmed its flow.